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  • Writer's pictureDavid Reavis

Employees Key Audience In Uncertain Times

Updated: Aug 14, 2020

Years from now, how will we remember 2020? Frankly, it’s hard to know right now, as this movie is far from over, the remainder of the plot still unknown. 

What is clear is what has changed – the way business is done, the way we interact and socialize with others, and how we live our daily lives. With so much change, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s important. And if you are a business owner, no audience is more important than your employees. They are your brand ambassadors in the community, as well as with customers and vendors. Let’s be honest, if you don’t get the employee part right, the long-term success of your business will suffer.

And yet in times of significant change and uncertainty, employee engagement through consistent, concise communications can be overlooked by businesses in favor of focusing on the customer. After all, customers are the lifeblood of any company. And while this is true, ensuring your employees are informed and engaged is a vital part of the success equation. 

With that in mind, here are a few communications basics business owners and senior executives might consider to support that success equation: 

  1. Regular cadence: Commit to a regular cadence of communications to your employees and honor it. Whether that’s monthly, weekly, or more often, consistency matters. Topics such as company performance, an industry marketplace recap, or major organizational changes provide the proper context and framework for tip number three below.   

  2. Many channels: Leverage as many communication channels as you can – digital newsletters, email, the corporate intranet, town halls, manager meetings, etc. to deliver your message. 

  3. Power of three: Focus on three of the most actionable ways employees can help the company move forward. Describe the corresponding behaviors that support that effort. 

  4. Real examples: Real life examples are a great way to tell a story, so use them to show employees how their peers achieved success and what lessons they learned.    

  5. Recognize and reward: Recognize and reward behaviors that help move the company forward. Peer recognition is a powerful way to engage employees and reinforce the right behaviors.   

  6. Employee feedback: Finally, offer a means for employees to communicate ideas and thoughts back to company leaders. An important but often overlooked follow-up step to this is to recognize employee suggestions that are implemented, and the tangible benefits realized.  

In times of uncertainty, articulating your business' mission and purpose to your employees is more important than ever. Get back to the communications basics, focus on your employees, and success will likely follow.  

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